Osaka Technocrat Co., Ltd. is in the RAS (Recirculation and Filtration Aquaculture System) of this land-based aquaculture farm,
We designed and constructed a water temperature control system using well water heat, a renewable energy source, to control the water temperature of the fish tanks in the RAS (recirculation and filtration aquaculture system) of this land-based aquaculture farm.
The water temperature control system was designed and constructed using well water heat, a renewable energy source, for water temperature control of the fish tank.
At the same time, buried HDPE pipe (high-density polyethylene pipe) with a large diameter of 500 mm dia. was installed as piping for the fish tank.
The total length of HDPE pipes used was over 500 m, with more than 90 fusion points.
Please have a look at the contents of our website Introduction of achievements.
Fuji-Katsuragawa Factory Land Farm Overview
Fish are farmed in a RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture System with Filtration) using well water in the building.